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Downloads and No Refunds Policy

At Gas Pass, we want to ensure that our customers have a positive experience and receive the best possible service. Therefore, we have established the following policy regarding downloads and refunds.

Please read this policy carefully before making any purchase to understand your rights and obligations.

When you purchase an ebook from our store, you will receive a download link to access the ebook file. Please ensure that you download and save the file to a secure location, as the download link will expire after a certain period of time. We recommend that you download and save the ebook to your device immediately after purchase to avoid any potential loss.

Once the download link has been issued, we cannot revoke access to the ebook file therefore all purchases are final and strictly non-refundable.

In the unlikely event that you experience technical difficulties with your download, please contact our customer support team for assistance. We will do our best to resolve the issue promptly and ensure that you receive the ebook as intended.

Please note we reserve the right to modify or update this policy at any time without prior notice.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.